Friday 4 July 2008

Psalm 2 reflection - Josh

This is an awesome psalm of promise as well as warning.

For me, God shows up as first being a God of promises. And BIG promises! He's gonna give us the nations! And nothing! Not even the kings of the earth, are going to stand in His way. He has promised us good things, and will also at the same time protect us.

However, I was reminded of the fact that we have to be careful that we do not turn into those kings. Verses 10 & 11 were stark reminders for me, that even as we have been given much, much is expected of us. Being given the title of Pastor, Worship Leader or Musician does not automatically equate to me doing the job well. I have to continue to work at it "with fear and trembling", always remembering why I do what I do and who I am doing it for. And we have to WANT it! Verse 8 says that we must "ask of Him".

Do we desire it? Do I desire it? It comes with consequences too.

*NOTE* Chris, this is where i find one way to help you with your struggle with verse 11. The trembling refers to reverence and awe. The Message translates it as "trembling awe". The NASB cross references it with "reverence". So perhaps the idea is that while we rejoice in Him, the manner and posture that we are to do it in is still one of reverence and awe. I think it is an important point, especially in our season in the Youth Ministry, where rejoicing can sometimes be done in a flippant manner?

1 comment:

History Maker said...


Thanks for writing in. =P
And yeah, do we desire it?

Let's press on together to desire God and keep watch.


be blessed!