Saturday, 9 August 2008

Psalm 4 - Marcus

In your anger do not sin

Its so easy to let emotions take over, to let emotions be an excuse for acting inappropriately. Its so easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment, to do something that doesn't please God, and try to brush it away or justify it by saying that it was "situational", that this case was "different". But the fact is, God's Word is not "situational", His Truth doesn't differ in every situation. It is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow, and it is uncompromising, unchanging.

There is no excuse for giving in to sin, and we should always be mindful not to let our lips or our actions let loose that which does not glorify the Lord, no matter how hard the circumstances are, no matter how irritating some people may be, or how stupid the situation may seem. God's Word still holds true for every person and circumstance. And as His Children we are called to do likewise - to be as God is, full of grace and love. However small or however challenging, we are to be God's people of grace.

You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound

Its also very easy to get caught up in the things of the world. The temporary, transient pleasures. To let these things distract ourselves from what is most important, from the one thing that truly gives the greatest joy. The things of the world give happiness - but that in itself is transient, fleeting, momentary - the things of God give joy, a deep lasting and unshakeable sense that all is as it should be, such that even in the midst of the storm we can celebrate and praise God. That's real joy.

We are challenged to think about why we spend money on that which is not bread, and labour on that which does not satisfy (Isaiah 55:2). Many a time in my life, I've spent nights partying and doing things that I shouldn't have, or which ultimately didn't satisfy. And I'd return home to the four walls in my room, and sink to the floor in despair feeling empty and joyless. God changed all that. He truly satisfies. And I'm still discovering new depths of how He can satisfy, and how His joy has transformed me.

God truly satisfies. And whilst He does allow us to find happiness in things, in people, in activities, He also wants us to know and embrace His joy. May we learn how to lean on Him for strength, courage, and joy in our lives, and not look to people, things or circumstances.

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