Sunday 29 June 2008

Reflection on Psalm 1

Reflection on Psalm 1:

1. What does this psalm show me about God’s character?

I think verse 6 truly sums up God's character that is revealed in this Psalm. It says, " For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish."

God delights in righteousness.

In verses 2-4 it also talks about His faithfulness that comes out of that righteousness. Verse 3, "He is like the tree planted by steams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."

Whereas the wicked will be like chaff, that will be blown away.

He is faithful. He will bless the righteous but punish the wicked.

2. How does this aspect of God’s character affect me in my life?

I think, based on the above, knowing that God delights in righteousness, I need to choose to be on the path of righteousness. Knowing that through this, I will grow (yielding fruit & prosperity) & I will delight Him.

This links back to another verse in Psalm 37. Verse 4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Of course, this choice should not be one that is selfish and self centered. Where we are seeking for prosperity.

Rather, it should come from a heart where we we want to delight in the Lord because we love Him and long to please Him because He is worthy!

(i could go on and on about why he's worthy and thats where the attributes will all come out and it'll boil down to love and it'll go on and on and on!)

I believe and trust that you get what I mean :)

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