Tuesday, 12 December 2006

a new way of being human

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."
Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)

"If you want to see something you've never seen before, you've got to do something you've never done before."
- Ed Silvoso

These words still resonate in my mind and heart. Thinking back about our Advance, this is the first time we've ever had an overnight thingy together. We've never done this before, and when we finally did, we saw things we've never seen before. We saw strengthening of friendships, committed leadership and renewed power in the Holy Spirit amongst us.

I'm not saying we should always think about re-inventing the wheel for the sake of doing new things. It's not just about doing things differently. It's also about the condition of our heart and relationship with God. If you want to experience breakthrough in certain areas in your life, pursue a deeper level of intimacy with God, a higher degree of honesty and dependence upon Him. You will begin to see things in ways you've never seen before.

Becoming a believer of Christ is adopting a new way of being human. When we were born, we were born sinners, and only knew how to live an old life. but 2 Cor 5:17 tells us that we are now new creations. Living by faith is a new way of living. The "old human" says "Better play safe. Can't trust anyone but myself." The new creation says, "I am safe. I trust God."

Do you live by faith? Or do you constantly ask God to show you everything before you take a step for Him? My honest take is: Many times we don't dare to step out, to take a radical stand for Jesus because we're afraid that what we want to see happen won't happen. But when you take on a new way of being human, and you refuse to be intimidated by that fear and step out, you experience and see things you've never seen before. God will show up in ways that take your breath away.

living royally,


History Maker said...


Thanks for the entry. Indeed, it's a good reminder and hope to read more inspiring entries from you and the others.

Been deeply encouraged by you and you are our respected leader!

Serving the ONE,

Unknown said...

AMEN to that, jenn :)

SY said...

Thanks jenn, struck something very deep.

and AMEN to that too. :]